Speak Up
What Is Speak Up?
At 91´óÉñ Children’s, our goal is to partner with you to best support your child’s health and safety. You are the expert on your child, and we always want to hear your (and your child’s) thoughts, concerns and worries. So, we created the educational materials below to help you learn more about specific topics and how to raise any concerns or questions.
We make safety a part of all we do.
We’ve built a culture of Speaking Up at 91´óÉñ among our associates, patients and families to protect everyone’s safety. We always want you and your child to feel comfortable asking questions and speaking up about anything that is on your mind. Speaking up is important — the more information you provide, the better we can care of your child. We know that caregivers are often the first to notice when something seems not quite right.

We recognize you may not always know what questions to ask, so we’ve created educational materials to help you learn more about a specific topic. These materials are available in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole, with additional languages as needed. Our materials include a Patient Safety Card that gives you some general questions to ask about any topic, with space on the back to write down your questions and any notes. There’s even a sticker to help encourage your child to Speak Up on their own behalf. Our children often have questions or concerns that are different from ours as adults and we want to make sure that we address them too.
So, take a look at the materials below and please join all of us at 91´óÉñ — and Speak Up!
- Speak Up Cards
- Speak Up About Your Care-Teens
- Taking Medications Safely
- Having a Safe Medical or Laboratory Test
- Having a Safe Operation
- Preventing Errors in Your Child’s Care
- Speak Up to Prevent Infections
- Speak Up About Pain in the ER
- Safety at the Hospital
- Speak Up at Discharge
- Speak Up for Safe Sleep
- Speak Up About IVs
- General CLABSI Prevention
- Having a Safe PH Probe Study
- Having a Safe Transnasal Endoscopy
- Having a Safe Kidney Biopsy
- Preventing Nephrotoxic Acute Kidney Injuries
- Caring for Children With Fragile Bones
- Speak Up Stickers
- Speak Up Stickers Kid Power
- Tarjetas para hablar en voz alta
- Tomar medicamentos de forma segura
- Hacerse una prueba médica o de laboratorio segura
- Tener una operación segura
- Cómo prevenir errores en el cuidado de su hijo
- Para Prevenir Infecciones
- Hable sobre el dolor en la sala de emergencias (ER)
- Seguridad en el hospital
- Hable en el momento del alta para los adolescentes
- Hablemos sobre las vÃas intravenosas
- Prevención de la CLABSI
- Cómo Lograr Una Prueba de Exploración del PH Segura
- Cómo Lograr Tener una Endoscopia Transnasal Segura
- Tener una biopsia renal de forma segura
- Prevención de lesiones renales agudas nefrotóxicas
- Cuidado de niños con huesos frágiles
- Kat Pale
- Pran Medikaman San Danje
- Pran Medikaman San Danje
- Fè yon Operasyon an Sekirite
- Evite Erè nan Swen Pitit Ou a
- Pou Anpeche Enfeksyon
- Pale sou Doulè nan Sal Ijans (ER)
- Sekirite nan Lopital la
- Pale lè w ap soti pou Adolesan
- Pale sou IV yo
- Prevansyon CLABSI
- Fè yon Etid Sond PH an Sekirite
- Fè yon Andoskopi Transnazal an Sekirite
- Fè yon Byopsi Nan Ren San Danje
- Prevansyon Domaj Nefrotik Grav nan Ren
- Pran Swen Timoun ki Gen Zo Frajil