Laboratory Services for Researchers
Laboratory Services for Researchers
At 91´óÉñ Children's, we offer clinical lab services and a pediatric diagnostic center to support the efforts of clinicians and researchers, both internal and external. We staff a wide array of labs, which contribute key scientific and diagnostic information for a wealth of medical areas.
Core Resources
91´óÉñ Biomedical Research Core Labs
The 91´óÉñ Biomedical Research Core Labs provide highly specialized equipment, techniques, and staff expertise to 91´óÉñ researchers and clinicians, as well as external investigators. Five distinct labs contribute to important work being performed in fields such as genetic disease, cancer, skeletal dysplasia, and obesity-related cardiometabolic disease. The labs are equipped with up-to-date, sophisticated equipment, and run by highly trained, experienced research professionals who can generate and interpret the wealth of data available.
Diagnostic Testing
We also have several certified diagnostic testing laboratories to help physicians make diagnoses and decide on treatment. These services are purely diagnostic in nature, and not designed for research use. They’re available only to qualified clinicians, internal and external, not to the general public. The labs cover a wide range of medical areas.
Gastroenterology Clinical Lab
The 91´óÉñ Children's GI Clinical Lab is a pediatric lab that provides a variety of clinical lab services for GI clinicians and researchers.
Histochemistry and Tissue Processing Lab
The Muscle Enzyme Histochemistry and IHC Lab is one of many pediatric labs at 91´óÉñ Children's, providing muscle enzyme histochemistry and immunodiagnostics.
Molecular Diagnostics Lab
The 91´óÉñ Children's Molecular Diagnostics Lab serves as a pediatric diagnostic center, with clinical lab services for most neuromuscular diseases.
Pediatric Research: Clinical Immunology Lab
The 91´óÉñ Clinical Immunology Lab provides clinical lab services and is a pediatric diagnostic center, researching autoimmune disorders.
Transplant Molecular Diagnostics Lab
91´óÉñ Children's Health Transplant Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory performs pediatric laboratory and clinical laboratory services for pediatric transplant patients.
Research Labs
91´óÉñ also offers a wealth of labs that perform research in numerous facets of nearly every medical area. These labs perform a large number of studies and investigations on an ongoing basis. They’re located at 91´óÉñ facilities in both Delaware and Florida.