
Author: Don Freeman


This children’s book is the classic story of a lonely little bear named Corduroy whose dream and wish is to be adopted and taken home by his very own family. Published in 1968, the book continues to be a favorite, with a theme that spans across the generations. Your child will enjoy the adventures of this inquisitive and compassionate bear.

Before, During and After Reading

Parents: You can view a read aloud example of this book at the bottom of the article, HOW You Read to a Child is Important.

Oral Language

Talk about the picture on the cover of the book. See if your child can make a prediction as to what the story might be about. As your read the title, author and illustrator of the book, track your finger under the words. 

Tell your child that the story takes place in a department store. Talk about a department store that you have visited with your child and what kinds of things you can buy there.

Oral Language

Read the story with expression. Here are some story reading tips:

  • Ask your child questions. Extend his answers with “Why?” or “Why not?”
  • Invite your child to help turn some of the pages.
  • Ask your child to make predictions.
    • “What do you think he is going to do next?”
  • Encourage your child to participate.
    • “The lamp fell over with a crash. Can you make a "crash" sound?
    • Corduroy is looking for his button; let’s count all the buttons that are on the clothes we are wearing today.”
  •  Ask questions about the plot of the story.
    •  “How did the little girl solve her problem?”

Oral Language

A button activity is a perfect follow-up to reading this story. Gather a collection of buttons of various shapes and sizes. You can ask your child to sort the buttons, count them or glue them on a cardboard cutout of a bear to create a Button Bear!

Create a sewing card. At the end of the story, Lisa sews the button back on Corduroy’s overalls. Help your child make a sewing card of his own. Cut a piece of cardboard into a shape or use a sturdy paper plate. Help your child use a hole punch to punch holes around the edge of the cardboard shape or plate. Give him a piece of yarn and show him how to thread the yarn in and out of the holes, just like Lisa did when she sewed on the button.

Explore more recommended children's books and at-home reading activities for three-year-olds, or take the Reading BrightStart! Preschool Reading Screener. The screener can help you determine if your child is on the path to reading readiness and provides a free plan for moving forward.